AP and S.Lv

Table of contents

  1. Mechanics
  2. Formula
  3. AP to S.Lv sheet


If a character performed an action in battle and is not dead/petrified at the end of the encounter they will gain AP for every monster that has been killed during the encounter, if they escape they will gain AP only from the monsters killed before they escaped; the amount of AP needed to gain the next S.Lv is based on how many S.Lvs they gained in total and which character it is, capping at 22000 AP per S.Lv.


To calculate the amount of AP needed to gain the next S.Lv this formula can be used:

ap total = 5 * (obtained sphere levels + 1) + ((obtained sphere levels ** 3) / 50)

While every character starts at 0 S.lvs, everyone but Tidus starts as if they gained some S.Lv before: Yuna, Wakka and Lulu need to add 2 to their obtained S.Lv to calculate AP for the next one, Kimahri needs to add 6, Auron 12 and Rikku 25.

AP to S.Lv sheet

S.Lv gained AP for next S.Lv AP Total (T) AP Total (Y/W/L) AP Total (K) AP Total (A) AP Total (R)
0 5 5 15 39 99 442
1 10 15 35 85 212 928
2 15 30 61 140 341 1461
3 20 50 93 204 488 2045
4 26 76 132 279 654 2682
5 32 108 178 365 842 3377
6 39 147 233 464 1053 4132
7 46 193 297 577 1290 4952
8 55 248 372 706 1555 5840
9 64 312 458 853 1850 6801
10 75 387 557 1019 2177 7838
11 86 473 670 1207 2540 8956
12 99 572 799 1418 2941 10159
13 113 685 946 1655 3383 11451
14 129 814 1112 1920 3869 12837
15 147 961 1300 2215 4402 14322
16 166 1127 1511 2542 4986 15910
17 188 1315 1748 2905 5623 17606
18 211 1526 2013 3306 6318 19416
19 237 1763 2308 3748 7073 21344
20 265 2028 2635 4234 7893 23396
21 295 2323 2998 4767 8781 25577
22 327 2650 3399 5351 9742 27893
23 363 3013 3841 5988 10779 30349
24 401 3414 4327 6683 11897 32951
25 442 3856 4860 7438 13100 35706
26 486 4342 5444 8258 14392 38619
27 533 4875 6081 9146 15778 41696
28 584 5459 6776 10107 17263 44943
29 637 6096 7531 11144 18851 48367
30 695 6791 8351 12262 20547 51974
31 755 7546 9239 13465 22357 55771
32 820 8366 10200 14757 24285 59764
33 888 9254 11237 16143 26337 63961
34 961 10215 12355 17628 28518 68368
35 1037 11252 13558 19216 30834 72993
36 1118 12370 14850 20912 33290 77842
37 1203 13573 16236 22722 35892 82923
38 1292 14865 17721 24650 38647 88243
39 1386 16251 19309 26702 41560 93810
40 1485 17736 21005 28883 44637 99632
41 1588 19324 22815 31199 47884 105716
42 1696 21020 24743 33655 51308 112071
43 1810 22830 26795 36257 54915 118704
44 1928 24758 28976 39012 58712 125624
45 2052 26810 31292 41925 62705 132839
46 2181 28991 33748 45002 66902 140357
47 2316 31307 36350 48249 71309 148186
48 2456 33763 39105 51673 75934 156336
49 2602 36365 42018 55280 80783 164815
50 2755 39120 45095 59077 85864 173632
51 2913 42033 48342 63070 91184 182796
52 3077 45110 51766 67267 96751 192316
53 3247 48357 55373 71674 102573 202202
54 3424 51781 59170 76299 108657 212462
55 3607 55388 63163 81148 115012 223107
56 3797 59185 67360 86229 121645 234145
57 3993 63178 71767 91549 128565 245587
58 4197 67375 76392 97116 135780 257442
59 4407 71782 81241 102938 143298 269721
60 4625 76407 86322 109022 151127 282433
61 4849 81256 91642 115377 159277 295589
62 5081 86337 97209 122010 167756 309199
63 5320 91657 103031 128930 176573 323273
64 5567 97224 109115 136145 185737 337822
65 5822 103046 115470 143663 195257 352857
66 6084 109130 122103 151492 205143 368388
67 6355 115485 129023 159642 215403 384426
68 6633 122118 136238 168121 226048 400983
69 6920 129038 143756 176938 237086 418069
70 7215 136253 151585 186102 248528 435696
71 7518 143771 159735 195622 260383 453875
72 7829 151600 168214 205508 272662 472618
73 8150 159750 177031 215768 285374 491936
74 8479 168229 186195 226413 298530 511841
75 8817 177046 195715 237451 312140 532346
76 9164 186210 205601 248893 326214 553462
77 9520 195730 215861 260748 340763 575201
78 9886 205616 226506 273027 355798 597201
79 10260 215876 237544 285739 371329 619201
80 10645 226521 248986 298895 387367 641201
81 11038 237559 260841 312505 403924 663201
82 11442 249001 273120 326579 421010 685201
83 11855 260856 285832 341128 438637 707201
84 12279 273135 298988 356163 456816 729201
85 12712 285847 312598 371694 475559 751201
86 13156 299003 326672 387732 494877 773201
87 13610 312613 341221 404289 514782 795201
88 14074 326687 356256 421375 535287 817201
89 14549 341236 371787 439002 556403 839201
90 15035 356271 387825 457181 578142 861201
91 15531 371802 404382 475924 600142 883201
92 16038 387840 421468 495242 622142 905201
93 16557 404397 439095 515147 644142 927201
94 17086 421483 457274 535652 666142 949201
95 17627 439110 476017 556768 688142 971201
96 18179 457289 495335 578507 710142 993201
97 18743 476032 515240 600507 732142 1015201
98 19318 495350 535745 622507 754142 1037201
99 19905 515255 556861 644507 776142 1059201
100 20505 535760 578600 666507 798142 1081201
101 21116 556876 600600 688507 820142 1103201
102 21739 578615 622600 710507 842142 1125201
103 22000 600615 644600 732507 864142 1147201
104 22000 622615 666600 754507 886142 1169201